Monday, November 22, 2010

First Day of Vacation

So, today was officially my first day of "freedom." Friday was my last day with my kids.

I had a pretty busy weekend. Saturday was our big Thanksgiving meal with all the girls and their families at scouts. My sister-in-law was supposed to have her baby on friday but he's not cooperating so, to give her a break, my mom and I took my two youngest nieces to the mall after scouts. Sunday was my youngest nieces 6th birthday so we did a little birthday shopping.

Sunday we were late leaving the house and didn't make it to church. We met up with my grandparents for lunch before heading to their house to do a little work (we replaced their screen door last week, but the latch didn't work so we needed to fix that). Then headed back to my bro's for cake and ice cream. (still no baby)

Today I came up to campus to help run the FEA Scholastic Book fair. I was really excited to be spending some time with two of my best friends who I just haven't had much time for this semester. Well, I woke up with a little sore throat that I thought was from the dry air in my house. By the time I got to campus I felt worse. As I sat listening to my friends, I begain to feel like I could barely sit up. After lunch I walked to the nearby drug store and bought some pain reliever and a thermometer. My fever was 100.2 :-0.

This is just great, I have a million things to do this week, including packing up this bookfair tomorrow, thanksgiving with my fam, and SHOPPING on friday. I can't be sick! so...I've canceled my movie plans for tonight, Harry Potter will have to wait, and I'm going home at five to get some sleep, we'll take it from there. In the mean time, I'll be leaving detailed notes on what someone should do with these books tomorrow if I can't come tomorrow.

The good news is, now that I am unemployed and don't have class, I will have time to blog more :-/

Watch for a blog about the thanksgiving activities I've done this week and other helpful (i hope) items.

I hope ya'll have a wonderful Monday!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

November and saying goodbye

I can't believe how quickly this has flown by. It has been busy to say the least but it's also been a blast. As I write this post I am preparing for my LAST WEEK of student teaching. It's bitter sweet. I have waited for this day for so long but I have come to love my school, students and coaching teacher. How do I say goodbye?

So, here is my question for you (if any of you actually read this) what is a good gift for my coaching teacher? I've already bought a book for the class and will be giving each child a gift when I come back to visit for Christmas but I want to get something special for my teacher. She has been teaching for many years so she doesn't need much for the classroom, and I want to get her something she will actually enjoy using so...any suggestions?

In the meantime, I will be teaching tomorrow morning while my CT is observing at another, Tuesday night is my last seminar class, Thursday I am presenting my research project to the principal (Yikes!) and lots of stuff is due. Friday is my last day.

I hope y'all have a good week!
