Tuesday, July 6, 2010

8 Things

8 Things I'm Looking Forward to...

1)Student Teaching

2) Graduating

3) My new niece or nephew

4) Falling in love

5) Getting a job

6) Being a daisy leader

7) Seeing Eclipse again

8) Going on vacation

8 Things I did Yesterday...
1) Slept

2) Read a book

3) Emailed my Teacher

4) Posted from my "Memior"

5) Ate a hamburger

6) Reserved library books for my theatre class

7) Watched the Bachelorette

8) Ate freezer pops

8 Things I Wish I Could Do...
1) See my kids from hope

2) Spend more time with my family

3) start a non-profit

4) Stop biting my nails

5) Take Missy places with out her getting loose

6) Eat healthier

7) Pay all of my own bills

8) Get a job

8 Shows I Enjoy...
1) Grey's Anatomy

2) The Bachelorette

3) Private Practice

4) Law and Order: SVU

5) Brothers and Sisters

6) Desparate housewives


8) Parenthood

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